
ABC offers a selection of pre-designed trainings, which are available to address the most common types of leadership and team challenges. ABC also offers custom-designed trainings by request, to address specific organizational needs. Trainings are conducted in either half-day or full-day format for a duration of one to two days, or longer if necessary. All trainings include a follow-up session, with additional sessions contracted by request.

On-site trainings are interactive, so please wear clothing that is comfortable to move in. No prior movement or dance experience is required.

Please inquire about current available trainings, or submit a request for a custom-designed training.                  Pre-registration is required.

Embodied Leadership Training for Executives: This program is designed for either individuals or small groups and is suitable for all levels of the executive team. This training is intended to enhance participant’s leadership skills and competencies such as becoming an effective communicator, displaying confidence, and identifying barriers in leadership roles.

Objectives include that participants (1) Gain an understanding and application of the basic principles of Laban Movement Analysis. (2) Practice the principles of LMA to begin to understand their own movement preferences. (3) Facilitate interpersonal communication by perceiving other people's interactive styles.

Laban Movement Analysis as Applied in Corporate Settings: This program is suitable for groups at all hierarchical levels, who desire better communication skills within their organization. This program uses a series of interactive movement exercises to facilitate rapport building.

Objectives include that participants (1) Build verbal and nonverbal skills to improve communication in the context of LMA and Systems Theory. (2) Learn to define barriers that interfere with effective communication and develop methods to overcome those barriers.

The Body Talks; Posture-Gesture Interactions: This program is suitable for individuals or groups at all hierarchical levels. This training integrates theory and experiential exercises to build somatic awareness and observation skills.

Objectives for participants are to (1) Learn basic posture and gesture patterns, often overlooked in traditional coaching training, and determine how posture and gesture influences their communication feedback loop. (2) Apply these simple techniques to identify their own somatic experiences. (3) Practice nonverbal communication skills with the intention of refining their interactions with peers and colleagues.

It Takes Two to Tango- Learning to Lead and Follow: This training is designed for small groups at any hierarchical level. This training uses simple interactive dance as a tool to demonstrate kinesthetic leadership and followership roles and how they are perceived by colleagues. Participants will learn methods of identifying and resolving interpersonal conflicts through tango. Tango is an Argentinean dance form that focuses on rhythm, intensity, and improvisation, which are prevalent in the modern workplace.

Objectives for this training are for participants (1) To learn leadership and followership roles kinesthetically rather than cognitively. (2) To practice listening with intention, a valuable skill in improving the leader-subordinate relationship. (3) To apply their new kinesthetic and interpersonal communication skills in the workplace setting.

Moving From the Inside Out: This training is suitable for a small group of 8-12 people who want to learn effective breath support, how to reduce muscular tension, and learn how those practices pertain to building interpersonal connections to others. This training is based on Bartenieff Fundamentals, a system of movement education that focuses on coordination and dynamic physical alignment. Using Bartenieff Fundamentals floor exercises, this training educates participants on how to refine their breathing patterns, muscular articulation, and spatial awareness.

Objectives for this training are for participants (1) To learn to coordinate their breathing patterns in concurrence with somatic exercises. (2) To practice simple breathing techniques, hone a set of new movement patterns, and bring unconscious movement patterns into consciousness. (3) To apply a new set of skills, derived through somatic education, that are both functional and expressive.

Participants must be comfortable with practicing floor activities using a mat or towel as a foundation for learning.

Stress Reduction Through Chair Yoga: This training is suitable for groups of any size, and all employees in an organization, who may benefit from a decrease in muscular tension, and an increase in effective breathing. This training teaches a sequence of stretches and the use of breath techniques to decrease stress, increase flexibility, and helps participants to identify and address areas of tension.

Objectives for this training are for participants to (1) Become aware of their own breathing patterns that may be constricted or shallow. (2) Practice breathing techniques and simple chair postures to assist with relaxation, focus, and vigor. (3) Incorporate a series of breathing techniques and simple stretching exercises into their own daily somatic practice.